NFT?? What Is THAT???
Like all Block Chain items, NFT can get a bit confusing, but in short, the non-fungible token is used for “stamping” a mark of authenticity to original individual files. And yes - a song, in digital format, is a file.
In the digital realm, files can be copied and sold without the creator’s approval, so this insures the file is authentic and straight from the artist.
Sound enticing?
Well, it has it’s merits, but don’t jump on that bleeding edge tech just yet - unless you are already rich and famous…!
Courtesy of Disc Makers’ Blog over at, you can find a really good primer in this blog: Disc Makers - NTF
That should serve you well to start!
And as you know, there is much, much more information on block chains and NFT’s out on the ‘Net!
Just beware -
Beyond here, there be dragons… ;)